A small baby care specialist usually joins the work with a family on the day they bring the newborn home from the hospital and stays typically for up to 4 months to guide and educate new parents and offer hands-on extensive care to the newborns to help establish routines, feeding, and healthy sleep habits.
Duties of A Newborn Care Specialist:
A Newborn Care Specialist often handles the baby overnight and takes care of them so that a new parent can rest and recover from birth or adapt to new parenthood if the baby is adopted or via surrogate.
The early days of birth are always difficult for the new parents and especially for the parent whose child is suffering from a terminal illness, here newborn intensive care specialists come in handy,
There is not much difference between NCS and NICS.NCS are specifically trained in all regards of newborn care and have many years of experience with families during the first few months with a newborn. They can help parents feel confident and optimistic in their care of their precious newborn and are familiar with common issues such as reflux and have proven newborn care solutions and resources to help. While newborn intensive care specialists are specialized in taking care of children who have a terminal illnesses or suffering from serious health issues.
Why Do Parents Hire Newborn Care Specialists:
Mother’s love is the purest form of love and when there is a question about who is going to take care of their little precious one, they always get anxious about it. New parents should complete their whole research first, and only hire a newborn care specialist that comes with a great resume of experience and references along with a healthy newborn care plan. They should be highly trained from a reputable newborn care specialist training academy and have training certificates in sleep conditioning, care of multiples (twins and triplets), feeding issues, premature babies, etc.
Parents get overwhelmed with the thought of how they are going to care for this new little life who is dependent on them and often get scared of the thought that they will do some mistake that will cost the life of their little one. To overcome this fear, new parents should be provided with a manual or guide on how to take care of a newborn baby with the initial steps of newborn care written.
Advantages Of Hiring NCS:
Another question that comes to mind is that is NCS is worth it and if yes what are the advantages? The most notable benefit of hiring a newborn care specialist is sleep! Having peace of mind that a qualified newborn care specialist is handling the overnight hours, having an extra set of hands during bath time, and changing time, and knowing there is additional support should any issues arise, allows new parents to get more and better sleep. Even a nursing parent only must wake the nurse and can then go right back to sleep while the NCS settles the baby gently.
Bringing a newborn home is one of the most sensational – yet overwhelming – experiences in life. During this adjustment period, both the baby and the parents must adapt to a new and fresh lifestyle that requires patience and trial and error. For some, this might sound scary but, in the end, it’s all worth it.